
Saturday 6 November 2010

Day out at the fair...

We're back from the fair! and it was a really good experience. It was held inside The Old Fire Station, now called the Bungalows and Bears and there were about 9 other stalls all packed into one side of the ground floor. There were quite a mix of stalls including cute illustrated chinaware from Lianne Mellor to beautifully handcrafted ceramics by Paula Briggs. Other stalls included Rhea Clements quirky knitted scarves and also notebooks made from old record covers by When The Music's Over.

Winter season clothes and scarves (sneak peak!)

I had a good time seeing what other people had made, making new contacts and chatting with customers. I found it a really good way to collect feedback on what people really thought of what was being sold and also see what type of people were interested in the stall.

The only down point was that the lighting was really poor so people were finding it difficult to see what was on offer, but there was still a good crowd of people who came round to have a look. I would love to do another fair sometime soon!


  1. It was lovely to meet today. I love your work and your website! I hope you had fun at the fair :)

  2. And thanks for linking to my site! :)
